One reason I haven't been posting more often is the nomadic nature of my current life, as I don't always have internet access. Maybe I ought to get one of those wi-fi things you can plug into your computer. Not that I'm traveling as often as I might like to be (see previous post) but I am in a few different places. This week, I started stacking wood again, seems early but it has already begun. Grabbed my wheelbarrow, gloves and boots and started driving around. (This image is not of my current wheelbarrow, but a previous one, it's actually a 2"x3" print of a larger painting.) The wood, seasoned and dry, is very barky this time of year, and I breathe in its deeply earthy scent as I work (along with my own, ah, deeply earthy scent). Especially pungent right after it rains and the dirt is damp. I got caught both in the intense heat/humidity and in a fierce downpour. The rain was warm and although I got thoroughly drenched it wasn't entirely unpleasant, though the water streaming down my face impedes my vision somewhat. I'll try to keep the wood talk to a minimum, but it does occupy a considerable portion of my thoughts this time of year, and I do acquire amusing stories (or maybe they're of the "you had to be there" variety). It sure gives me a lot of time to think. Maybe I'll actually figure out some important stuff in the process.
Recently I've been staying in Brewster in the house I grew up in, which is now mostly uninhabited as my folks spend much of their time up in Cobleskill, where my father built a house. I'll be in Beacon too, but I think I'll be on the road several more times this summer. The latest move is to secure a studio space in Beacon for the next few months. I'm looking forward to having a separate space to paint again, which I never even had before the residencies. It's small but it will do nicely, both for the opportunity to work and to have studio visits! I think I'll feel more settled after this transpires.
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